Unique 1870's Old West FULL Sheriff of Jewell County Kansas 6 Point Ball Tip Star Badge

Unique 1870's Old West FULL Sheriff of Jewell County Kansas 6 Point Ball Tip Star Badge

Code: pwlb01870jks

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ARTIFACT: This is a Unique 1870's Old West FULL Sheriff of Jewell County Kansas 6 Point Ball Tip Star Badge.

The county was established, and the first Sheriff elected, in 1870. It is possible that this was that Sheriff, A. J. Davis' Badge, but I cannot say this for certain.

Some early history of Jewell County in this link: https://www.ksgenweb.org/archives/jewell/history/1878/organization.html A lot of Indian attacks in this area. Sparsely settled these days, but on the Pawnee Trail, and the Missouri Pacific RR ran through back in the day, so it was a very active place in the 1870's.

The unplated nickel badge has a great patina, almost reminiscent of a tarnished silver badge, which I believe just comes from being untouched for almost 150 years. Amazingly, the jeweler's black in the lettering and embellishments is almost 100% intact. That's how carefully this badge was kept over the years. 

The embossed ball tips are quite unique as well, and represent a very early rendition of this classic look. Obviously each one was hand embossed, and they really pop out, a bit more so than later more standardized examples of this shape of badge. 

One can see from the construction that this badge was made around the same time as the Kansas Deputy Sheriff and Game Warden badge that we had on the site.

The badge appears about 10-20% darker in hand than the images.

VINTAGE: Ca 1870.

SIZE: This is a good-sized badge at approximately: 2-3/4" in height x 2-3/8" in width.

MATERIALS / CONSTRUCTION: Hand Stamped & Formed OLD Nickel Badge with a Brass wire Pin Soldered in without a "Saddle" and jeweler's black in the lettering.

ATTACHMENT: Vertical safety-style pin.


ITEM NOTES: This is from a western and lawman badge collection which we will be listing more of over the next few months. MFJJM21 LDGIEX11/17/22 SDJJJX03/23

CONDITION: 9 (Excellent): The unplated nickel badge has a great patina, almost reminiscent of a tarnished silver badge, which I believe just comes from being untouched for almost 150 years. Amazingly, the jeweler's black in the lettering and embellishments is almost 100% intact. That's how carefully this badge was kept over the years. Overall, Wonderful Patina.

GUARANTEE: As with all my artifacts, this piece is guaranteed to be original, as described.