Great 1890s - 1900s Osceola Police Circle Star Badge Possibly Nevada Ghost Town

Great 1890s - 1900s Osceola Police Circle Star Badge Possibly Nevada Ghost Town

Code: pdg80002op


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ARTIFACT: Unidentified circa 1900 OSCEOLA POLICE circle star police badge by C.D. Reese.

Time to start pricing these great old "UNKNOWN" artifacts. I am going to price this badge high, as if it was from Nevada or Texas or such, but if someone can present proof of it being form another state I will adjust the price accordingly. 

This beautiful Old badge is from ONE of the Osceola cities or towns in the following states. I have added notes as to the potential, or lack thereof, after each state. 

Arkansas Smallish Town, County Seat. Possible. Most likely had a department at the time this badge was made. 

Florida Probably not. Was in Alachua County in 1892, but I cannot find further reference to it, so disappeared, or changed its name. 

Georgia Probably not. Was in Oconee County, but was very small and changed its name in 1892 to Bogart. 

Illinois Probably not. Tiny little township. Not a typical Illinois badge style. 

Indiana Possible, but not likely. Small town, not a typical Indiana badge style. 

Iowa Possible. Good sized town, Iowa used circle star badges. 

Kentucky Possible. Town no longer exists,  but was quite raucous when it did, maybe they had a Police Department. 

Missouri Probably not. Not a typical Missouri style, and small for ht estate as well. Town is quite small, but does have a Police Department.

Nebraska Possible, by style. But, not certain the town has ever had a Police Department.

NEVADA Strong Possibility. Now a Ghost Town, but a true old west Gold Mining town at the time of this badge's manufacture. Badge size and style could work for Nevada. 

New York Maker COULD point to NY, BUT, Reese was a prolific maker that made badges for agencies all over the country, so does not really help. And the Circle Star style is NOT typical of New York. 

Pennsylvania Possible. Style could work for Pennsylvania. Has a Police Department now, but a very small rural town, so not certain if it had a department 100+ years ago.

South Carolina Not likely. Not an SC Badge Style. Osceola no longer exists, not sure if there was ever a Police Department there.

South Dakota Not Likely. Tiny population, unlikely there was ever a Police Department. 

Texas Possible. Classic Texas badge style. Area was populated around the Turn of the century and might have had a Police Department. 

Virginia Not Likely. Too small of a place to support a Police Department at any time in the past.

West Virginia Probably Not. Logging town around the turn of the century, unlikely to have had a Police Department. No town exists there now. 

Washington Possible. Now a Ghost Town, but not sure it was ever large enough to have a Police Department. 

If anyone can shed any light on this badge, we would love to hear from you. 

For now, it is priced as if it were from the Nevada Ghost Town.

VINTAGE: Circa 1890's - 1900's.

SIZE: Approximately 1-13/16" in diameter.

MATERIALS / CONSTRUCTION: Nickel plated nickel with painted lettering / details.

ATTACHMENT: Vertical kick pin with Tongue type "C" catch.



ITEM NOTES: This is from an accumulation of unidentified items which we will be listing more of over the next few months. MDEX14 LX10/14 SLBEGEX04/29/20

CONDITION: 7+ (Very Fine+): Moderate wear, large amount of the plating and painted details remain.

GUARANTEE: As with all my artifacts, this piece is guaranteed to be original, as described.