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UPDATE: THURSDAY MARCH 20th 2025: The FLYING TIGER ANTIQUES Crew is IN THE OFFICE Shipping Out Orders and Listing NEW Artifacts Daily!!!
We are IN THE OFFICE, and we are busy PACKING All the Orders we Received Over the past few days, Thank you all VERY MUCH!!
We will be IN THE OFFICE for the foreseeable future through the end of MAY!!
If you would like to PAY for a $100.00 or more Artifact with a CREDIT CARD, please Call or Email and I will get an invoice emailed to you ASAP, or Process the Purchase Myself!!
Meanwhile, we are busy packing orders and Pricing New Historical Artifacts for our Many COLLECTORS!!!
So, NOW is the TIME to ORDER that wonderful ARTIFACT that you've had your eye on, as it will SHIP within 24 to 48 Hours of Receipt of Payment, but USUALLY Same Day!
And DON'T FORGET: if funding your $100.00 or More Order from a Bank that offers ZELLE, ASK ABOUT our ZELLE DISCOUNT!!
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Thank you for visiting. We hope you will find some vintage artifacts here on our site to add to your collection.
Happy Collecting, Ron & Kanae
What we have here is an extremely rare, WWII era Spanish Civil Aviation AIR TRAFFIC MERIT BADGE awarded to a Pilot named V. Imaz, commemorating his completion of 2,000,000 (!!) Kilometers of Piloted Air Travel sometime around 1942!
This lovely badge is made I 2 parts, of unmarked silver, with lovely translucent enameling covering like 90% of the background badge.
This 2,000,000 Km badge has also been seen in gilt brass, which is probably a later manufactuer than this early WWII-period piece that we are offering.
AIR TRAFFIC MERIT BADGE Merito al Trafico Aéreo
Official Bulletin of the Air Ministry No. 146 dated December 6, 1941.
In order to reward the perseverance of pilots in commercial aviation who, due to their high number of flight hours, are considered exceptional in this field, a civil order badge called “Merito al Trafico Aéreo” (Air Traffic Merit) is hereby created. This badge will be awarded to Spanish pilots who, exclusively in commercial aviation or aerial work, have flown more than 1,000,000 Kilometers. The badge may be awarded as many times as the pilot has exceeded the million marks. The badge will be awarded by the Air Ministry, at the proposal of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, through reliable demonstration by official statistics that the figure indicated in the previous paragraph has been reached. Holders of this badge will have preference for positions dependent on the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, provided that they have the aptitude and conditions to perform it. The badge may be worn on civilian clothing and the uniform of the company in which they work. For use on military uniforms, the corresponding authorization will be required. The badge will conform to the model, characteristics and design that accompanies this order. Madrid, November 22, 1941.
World War II.
Approximately: 1-7/8" in height x 2" in width.
unmarked Silver, multi-enamel, and blue paint.
Vertical kick pin with "C" catch.
This is from a Spanish militaria collection which we will be listing more of over the next few months. CON-JJT-35-24 LBBIEX01/08/25
8+ (Excellent): The badge shows minor wear and tarnish on back. Overall, it is in excellent condition.
GUARANTEE: As with all my artifacts, this piece is guaranteed to be original, as described.