Welcome to FLYING TIGER ANTIQUES & Vintage Historical Artifacts!!! !!
UPDATE: THURSDAY MARCH 20th 2025: The FLYING TIGER ANTIQUES Crew is IN THE OFFICE Shipping Out Orders and Listing NEW Artifacts Daily!!!
We are IN THE OFFICE, and we are busy PACKING All the Orders we Received Over the past few days, Thank you all VERY MUCH!!
We will be IN THE OFFICE for the foreseeable future through the end of MAY!!
If you would like to PAY for a $100.00 or more Artifact with a CREDIT CARD, please Call or Email and I will get an invoice emailed to you ASAP, or Process the Purchase Myself!!
Meanwhile, we are busy packing orders and Pricing New Historical Artifacts for our Many COLLECTORS!!!
So, NOW is the TIME to ORDER that wonderful ARTIFACT that you've had your eye on, as it will SHIP within 24 to 48 Hours of Receipt of Payment, but USUALLY Same Day!
And DON'T FORGET: if funding your $100.00 or More Order from a Bank that offers ZELLE, ASK ABOUT our ZELLE DISCOUNT!!
That DISCOUNT also applies to PayPal GIFT (Fee-Free), Check, and Money Order purchases!!
Thank you for visiting. We hope you will find some vintage artifacts here on our site to add to your collection.
Happy Collecting, Ron & Kanae
This is a dealer lot of 10 reprints. This is an exact reprint of the Sears, Roebuck and Co. 1918 Military Equipment Catalogue, produced at the time for Officers of the United States Army, Members of the Aviation Corps and officials of Military Schools". The catalog shows the offerings of the period from collar insignia for $.15 right on up to a Colt 30-caliber Model 1906 tripod-mounted Machine Gun for $865.00! All sorts of uniforms and parts are offered including a great selection of "Furnishings for Aviators". Have you ever seen a WWI aviator's life preserver? It's pictured in this catalog. The catalog is printed on heavy paper stock with a card-stock cover in its original size of 8-1/2" by 11". It is in its complete 20-page format except for the order blank and back cover illustration (these spaces were used for advertising by the recent publishers). The catalogue is filled with line drawings of accouterments such as Mills webbed holsters and interlock buckle webbed garrison belts. It is a reference book that no WWI collector should be without.
GUARANTEE: As with all my artifacts, this piece is guaranteed to be original, as described.