Beautiful 1910-12 French Aviation Industries Bronze Table Medal/MŽdaille de Table en Bronze

Beautiful 1910-12 French Aviation Industries Bronze Table Medal/MŽdaille de Table en Bronze

Code: z99omfr90000

SOLD!!! No Longer Available!

Product Description


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ARTIFACT: This is a beautiful circa 1910-1912 French aviation industries bronze table medal. The face is divided into three parts, one showing a bi-plane, one showing a winged figure and one showing an airship. It reads NAVIGATION AERIENNE (aerial navigation) and the artist's name is in the corner. The reverse shows both a man lost in thought along with a man hard at work, and reads: Le rve conoit La science rŽalise (The dream conceives ; science realizes (the dream). Voici une belle mŽdaille de table en bronze pour les industries de l'aviation franaises circa 1910-1912. La face de la mŽdaille est divisŽe en trois parties, l'une montrant un bi-plan, l'un montrant un personnage ailŽ et l'autre sur un dirigeable. Elle se lit NAVIGATION AERIENNE et le nom de l'artiste est dans le coin. Le revers montre ˆ la fois un homme perdu dans ses pensŽes avec un homme dur au travail, et se lit: Le rve conoit La science rŽalise.

VINTAGE: Circa 1910-1912.

SIZE: Approximately 1-13/16" in height and 3-7/8" in width and 3/16" in thickness. Environ 4.6 cm par 9.8 cm par .5 cm.


ATTACHMENT: None. Aucun.

MARKINGS: BRONZE, maker's mark, A. MORLON. Bronze, poinon de ma”tre.

ITEM NOTES: This is from a French collection which we will be listing more of over the next few months. C'est ˆ partir d'une collection franaise qui nous sera d'annonce plus sur les prochains mois. CON-JMB-50-VAEJX11 LEIEX2/12 RETCON3/13

CONDITION: 8- (Very Fine-Excellent): The medal shows only some small spots of light wear and tarnish. 8- (Trs Beaux-Excellente): La mŽdaillene montre que quelques petites taches de lumire et de l'usure ternir.

GUARANTEE: As with all my artifacts, this piece is guaranteed to be original, as described.